Trade coordination was extremely important in addressing the complex routing of the piping systems and ensuring a seamless transition to the new system.
We provided valuable input to help the project team reduce costs for fabrication, installation, operations, and maintenance.
Our fabrication shop helped ensure that all piping and ductwork components were manufactured correctly and met the required quality standards.
Our fabrication shop played an integral role, providing customized piping components and a maintenance platform on the roof of the reactor building.
Over 2,500 x-ray quality welds were completed during the construction of this manufacturing facility.
Our team constructed a full mechanical system for this specialty lab, and included several subcontractors and consultants.
Installing this specialized wastewater drainage system required careful coordination with the civil contractor to ensure that pipe bedding and drain fields were installed correctly to prevent soil contamination.
We designed and fabricated hundreds of specialty long reach tools to assist with manipulating valve handles, pumps, lifting bails, and other equipment and components.